Now that you know how to always win, it's time to start playing a relaxing Tic Tac Toe game! Fun Facts About Tic Tac Toe If the game ends in a tie, don't be discouraged most Tic Tac Toe games end this way, but a consistent strategy will ensure that you eventually win. However, be careful - one wrong move will allow your opponent to win. From there, try to block your opponent from getting three Xs and Os in a row vertically, horizontally or diagonally. For that reason, we'll teach you how to win a Tic Tac Toe game every time! The best Tic Tac Toe strategy is to place your Xs and Os in the center and in the corners of the 3x3 grid. Many people know how to win Tic Tac Toe and it's likely that your opponent does as well.