Brave merida sad
Brave merida sad

brave merida sad

There's so much negativity stewing between them that all that's left of their once happy relationship is them screaming each other down and running off. Merida and Elinor tried to work things out with each other and to get one another to see from their point of view, but they're both too stubborn to see the other's side.

brave merida sad

  • The argument itself was pretty heartbreaking.
  • She even bursts into tears and whispers " What have I done?" to herself (pictured above), confirming that she has realized that she went way too far. Then, after Merida's already gone, Elinor suddenly turns and sees the bow in the fireplace.and frantically tries to dig it out but it's too late, the bow's already too burnt. That's what finally causes Merida to suffer a Heroic BSoD and pull a Screw This, I'm Outta Here.
  • In what is often cited as the best part of the whole movie, during a huge argument, Elinor throws Merida's treasured bow into the fire.
  • They can hardly have a proper conversation without getting into an argument.

    brave merida sad

    But as Merida grew older, she became more and more of something her mother didn't approve of, while Elinor only wants to sell her daughter in marriage and for Merida to be the humanly impossible perfect ideal she thought she should be, not caring what Merida wants or needs. The beginning shows that they were very close to each other. In general, how the relationship between Elinor and Merida is.

    Brave merida sad